Blue Hole Experience, in collaboration with Ponti Art e La Nuvola Art Gallery, Hotel Savoy, Rome.
Virtual art experience stand for Videocittà 2019, Caserma Guido Reni, Rome.
Inside the artist’s world, Mario Carlo Iusi, 47 Boutique hotel, Rome.
Eo/hoc ipso tempore, Sebastiano Bottaro, Citylab 971, Rome.
Bubbles, Paolo Vanda, Citylab 971, Rome.
Daily News, Martina Vanda, CityLab 971, Rome.
Seconda Vita, Carlos Atoche, In Cinque Open Art Monti, Rome.
Abbracci, G.Mozzetta G.Zorloni, In Cinque Open Art Monti, Rome.
Love Letters, Zeitwille, In Cinque Open Art Monti, Rome.
Unforgettable, Marianna Andolfi, In Cinque Open Art Monti, Rome.
Open Rooms, Fabrizio Di Nardo, Prassede Palace, Rome.
Floating, Sebastiano Bottaro & Marianna Andolfi, Borgo Ripa, Rome
Exhibition for the closing party of Rome Art Week 2018
Woman, Antonio Murgia, Falkenstainer Resort Capo Boi, Sardinia